
My 2 years of housemanship journey.

Assalamualaikum gaisssss. Pekabo!

Akhirnya setelah diperam-peram, terhasil juga lah post ni. Post ni akan jadi post yg agak panjang tau, sape yg habis baca tu, mabrooook 😂

Intro dulu.

Housemanship atau house officer-ship ni adalah satu fasa macam ala-ala intern tapi versi dah grad punya. Medical degree graduate yg dah start service akan jalani fasa housemanship dulu, averagely minimum 2 years duration (i tak sure ada less than that ke tak, waktu i belajar dulu i macam pernah dengar fast track, tapi tak pernah jumpa lagi in real life, and kalau ada pun, fuyooooh howyadoit!) Anyways fasa housemanship ni personally for me, fasa belajar balik semua benda dan praktikkan ilmu theory dan familiar dengan system dan common cases kat Malaysia — yg ni khusus untuk overseas graduate mcm ittew yg noob ni.

So basically there are 6 postings - 5 yg semua Malaysia’s HOs wajib tempuhi, 1 elektif - means ada few choices yg sebenarnya tak boleh choose pun ihiks - tp kena pass jugak. Yang wajib are Medical, Paeds, O&G, Surgical and ortho. Elektif pulak dalam hospital kitorang either anaesth atau ED atau psychiatry atau KK. Minimum each postings 4 months. Dan every postings ada assessments dannnnn exams.

Okay khalas (read : selesai) muqaddimah yg mcm dah habis satu chapter hahahaha, let’s agogo into the main topic. But gais i taktahu lah banyak makan semut ke apa, i will try my best to reminisce my time in all the departments k!

1st posting : Medical. (12/7/2018 - 25/11/2018)

Brief history
I'm starting my journey as a houseman in one of the most busiest department in any of the hospitals in entire Malaysia. And as expected... I'm starting my journey as a blur houseman... Adapting to new system. New environment. But at that time I'm so fresh and highly motivated. I was like a sponge, absorbing anything that people teach or say to me, taking almost everything positively because why, because it is true that I did not know and needed help.

I was actually so so so blessed by such nice MOs and senior housemans who's willing to teach me a lot of things. Medical department is a department which required lots of blood taking and branula insertion skills. I still remember reporting to my MO 'Sorry Dr.... saya tak berjaya ambil darah.......' then the MO 'Okay dik, jom ikut saya. Saya ajar awak sekali ni' and she taught me the tips and all and until now, I really love blood taking and branula insertion, always voluntered when my other colleagues had difficulties in line setting and even dreamt of being a branulogist LOL (Padahal skill biasa biasa je narcissist sendiri hahahaha).

Medical really teach me to be a fast , adapting houseman because no matter how blur you are, time will not empathied you as there are races against times and patients yg tak henti henti masuk. Tapi reality tanpa motivasi will be a such a difficult process.

MOs there always say things that build my motivation up like "You are a good first poster" "I love working with you' "I never know you are a first poster". Idk they really mean it or not, but every each and every of those words were those bases that built my motivations each and every day.

Walaupun saya adalah seorang yg sangat positive, adalah sangat menipu jika saya cakap I'd never cried once'. Yes, I did. Rarely but the record is not 0. Those were the times when I was at my lowest, when I taught I was improved up to the bar, but suddenly I'm slow in almost everything, I was so frustrated in myself, and sad at the same time because bring difficulties to my boss, but my boss were never complained, instead she texted me such a nice and warmth words to me later that night.

I taktahu ni dikira cons ke tak, tapi i have a poor meal time sebab sangat busy - waktu i masuk medical, HOs takde lah begitu ramai atau takde lah begitu sikit. Cukup-cukup makan je, so cukup-cukup makan still dikira sangat busy.

Or maybe i je kot yg takreti manage masa makan, my typical meal time is early in the morning before i start off my duty - sandwich pastu tak makan sampaiiii lah late at night like 8pm++ an hour or less before i go to sleep. Thank you so much my husbaby cos tho he is a busyman too, he never failed to take care of my dinner........

Medical had been such a wonderful and meaningful postings to me. Because it is my first.
Reference books : Oxford atau Part 1 and Part 2 Essential medicine Concise Clinical noted on understanding and managing diseases.

2nd postings : Surgical (26/11/2018 - 25/3/2019)

Brief history
Entering new department actually one of the umphhh thing to me because I need to adapt again with new systems, new people, new environment. It took me almost 1-2 months to love Surgical. During my first few weeks I'd been called 'liar' by my boss (because of bad passover but that would never be the excuses as I should double check everything by myself) but at the end, the same boss who called me that never called me a liar afterwards when I prove what myself worth of. This posting teach me to try to rangka my own plan and try to discuss it with my boss.

Eventually surgical had become my favorite slash enjoyable posting. I’d given the chances to become the ‘houseman leader’ which tugas dia termasuklah rangka jadual sesama houseman atau sampaikan pesanan / diskus if ada issue. Such a new experience

I still remember the first week I am in surgical and the carbuncle’s smell... I literally still imaginary-smell till going back home lol.

To have a comfortable crocs in OT due to standing for quite a time.          

3rd postings : O&G (26/3/2019 - 25/7/2019)

Brief History
Again, entering new department are such an umphhh. For O&G it took me almost 2 months to love it. O&G divided into obstetrics part and gynaecology part. What I can remember while in O&G is, I actually enjoy this posting especially after completing my requirement for SVDs. Need to have a really good teamwork and selfish-less.

The thing I love about this posting is there were like guidelines or rangka on how to manage cases. I love VE patient, and I would be so happy when my findings are right. And the thing I missed the most is episiotomy repair!

The thing i dont missed the most is chasing SVDs, other than that O&g is fun, except the adrenaline rush.

Oh and I love postnatal rounds. I love to give advice on how to initiate breastfeed, proper family planning etc! Oh my god, how can I forget this, I LOVE THE FEELING WHEN LISTEN TO BABY'S HEART BEAT ON CTG MACHINE . In days that there are not so many patient, I love to sit beside patient while awaiting for the CTG reading to be completed for certain minutes to be verified as normal CTG.

All posting is actually a teamwork play, but in O&G, extra are needed.

4th postings : Paediatrics (26/7/2019 - 25/11/2019)

Brief history
I'm starting my Paediatrics postings with NICU station. Such a 180' turning point for me. My 1 year, I'd be handling adult, now i need to deal with newborn babies..... different way of poking babies and IV line insertion. I thought I'll gonna stressed out in NICU but surprisingly, by my 2nd week, I cant believe I already loved this postings! The neonatologist fellows are one of the reasons why. Besides that, I love NICU because there is clinical practice guidelines for us to referred to when in doubt.  Those fluffy little beings really tine my stressed level down when I'm stressed. My favorite assignment in NICU are pink and postnatal.

Then after 2 months, I entered ward. Again, needed restart like new posting again... new system and environment.... I personally think general ward is much more harder than neonate ward because it is more general and the kids are actually and adult in little human being hahaha i mean diorang dah pandai resist dan menolak-nolak dengan tenaga yang lebih kuat 😂

Second time given the responsibility to be the HO leader. Personally for me it is much harder sebab ho like cukup-cukup.

In NICU, I love to talk to the babies walaupun dorang bukan reply pun hahaha! I love the close community in NICU.

NICU actually like dont have limited admission, there are times the wards really really full but sometime still needed for admission.

Paeds kena bawak mini kalkulator and Frank Shann kemana-mana k! In NICU, kita ada NICU guidelines dan general ward pula kita guna paeds protocol.

5th postings : Orthopaedics (26/11/2019 - 25/03/2020)

Brief history
Before I started Orthopaedics, i heard the rumor that this is a little bit more chiller posting but personally for me, yes there are times, but not most of the time hahahaha I think maybe it is only me.

My journey in Orthopaedics actually quite rainbow-ish sebab satu sebab..
1. Kena quarantine
2. By the time I finished quarantined, the whole wards kena lockdown and majority of my friends kena quarantine, hanya tinggal beberapa orang house officers je yg bekerja untuk the whole department.... tapi yg seronoknya I still remember, the specialists memang care betul dengan kitorang kekeke.
3. Being part of deparmtent’s covid swab test, so pakai the PPEs and learn how to take and handle the samples.

Me and few of my friends are actually blessed because our mentor is a very senior MOs who is really committed in teaching us, I mean almost every week mentor ni buat personal small group teaching.

And... there is this one task for about 1 week which called OT lister , it is quite nervewrecking and stressful for some, but luckily I enjoyed it. And the text of gratitudes from the bosses really washes out the tiredness.

My day always started at around 5 am+ sebab kena rounds start awal so kena review patient awal, patient kite majority kena kejut awal sebab nak review hahaha. Oh and most of the operated cases took quite longgg time so need to stand up for quite some time and I really bad in that , plus needed strong strength.... which I seldomly had #sadstory

My reference biasanya slides/photos yg orang share dan juga Ampang Guidelines.

6th postings : Emergency and Trauma Department (26/3/2020 - 25/7/2020)

Brief history
Me reporting to ED department is by surprise, because for months, I was told my last posting is Psychiatry and I actually planning to take parallel papers on it. And due to covid, mosth of my friends that supposedly report to ED, was channeled to other department. But me being me, i just yes to the instruction and will try my best........ tho at first i was so nervous and anxious ofcourse.

During my 1st few weeks, the House Officers for the whole ED were literally like what.... 9-10 persons only, the first day, about 5-10 mins after i reported, I need to function well like already in the department for 1 week. But surprisingly, despite all the busyness, I really really enjoyed ED. The teamwork at that time were superb and makes me in awe, eventhough i balik after the whole day running here and there i can still laugh.

There are lotssss of random teaching session held by the bosses, which I really love. Because I noob.

On my first week, there is this 1 registra call me to learn how to learn efast scan and weh from that day onward, I really love efast scan and In fact the favorite assessments out of all 7!

Again, given the chances to be the leader again. This time around, because already had previous experiences and know a little bit of know-how, I realised that I love management thingy and had new dream which is to further in MMM kekeke.

Oh and I love the passover time because passover actually save our times in reviewing patient instead of one by one charting review — more summarized and highlight important points.

About 1 months after i reported, house officer bertambah ramai. Problem bila ramai ho pulak adalah, pc takcukup hahaha so walaupun patient ramai still kena tunggu turn pc xD

Dont get me wrong, I love all the teaching, but there are minimum 7 assessments needed to be completed in ED, and during those weeks, it was tiring to mingle between working-which-energy-used-to-the-max-lol and finding time to study group, sebab I am study group type of person hahaha. But the light behind it is, after all those study, I am more confident in managing patient in ED and can pass the knowledge to my other friend also. The silverlining.

I miss ED. I love the every Friday teaching because almost everyweek the teaching is so fun.
I know I am far from good, but I am delighted when my bosses give me good remarks and comments cos things like this really keep my motivation up.
Second time quarantine because contact with asymptomatic +ve covid rapid test patient (preoperative assessment) - which is more nervewrecking, but Alhamdulillah all is well. PS. During quarantine, my husband needed to work from home, and he is so busy, more busier than me, phone literally non stop bunyi hahaha!

My Reference usually from : Malaysia’s Clinical Practice Guideline - depends tajuk apa yg you guys nak , Jonathan hand book , Shirley Ooi textbook, teaching presentation slide.

All and all, I dont know what’s held in the future and truthfully, thinking of MOship makes me nervous, but hopefully all is well dan dipermudahkan amiiin.

Anyways to summarized my 2 years of housemanship. I takdelah senior sangat but since the memories more or less still fresh for me...

... actually with the right mind and attitude, housemanship is actually such a fun process. Before starting This programme, I always heard on how scary it is, but gais it’s bearable. But again, it comes with the right mind and attitude. And colleagues also play such an important roles. It is not my place to advice to be choosy, I mean, befriend with all people but pick up all the goodness from others and try to avoid the bad one and, try to avoid BEING one. Oh and, please, be good with all people, be it the superiors, the colleagues, the staff nurses, MAs, JMs who are much more experienced and trust me, will taught us lots lots of things directly and indirectly, PPKs and patients. Majority of my patient i did not treat like only a patient, but like relatives instead, I mean I can bebel/advices, because I care.

Oh and, personally support system play such an important role for the whole process. Of course, everydays are not only roses and lilies, sometimes there are also cloudy stormy day which i need someone or somewhere to vent out —- which usually will calm me down afterwards.

As for me, I am really thankful to my husband for always taking care of me, physically and mentally, although I might not seem like it or enough in expressing it, but I really really do appreciate and thankful for you to always be there by myside, try to understand my typhoon emotions and global mood. My parents and in law, families, friends’ prayers also play such a strong pillar in always keeping my days straight and up. And again, superiors and colleagues praises and support are such a great, great motivation for me to do better than what I am yesterday.

Em okay lah I think da terlaaaaalu panjang post ni.
Tahniah habis baca sampai sini! Hahahahahaha

Anyway this is the footage of my last day in ED.

Just click the play button if u gais interested to watch k.

Assalamualaikum and take care!

Pegawai Perubatan Siswazah UD41 July 2018 - July 2020.